Learn How To Use PowerTools in Falmouth, ME

Your Project, Your Class.
1 on 1 or private small group custom workshops
CUSTOM PROJECTS: Studio Artisane has a full selection of scheduled courses, but sometimes the timing or the project may not work out for you. Do you have an idea for something to build that is not on my schedule? Do you prefer building alone or have a small group idea? Come and work on YOUR project at your pace where we guide you through the process--start to end. See below for sample custom projects. Timing is very flexible. All materials and tools will be ready for you.
Details & Pricing
Please come prepared to fully utilize your private studio time to complete your project.
Workshops will be scheduled in advance on a mutually agreed upon date and time.
We offer 3 options below to customize your project, your class:
Option 1
Project already offered
at Studio Artisane.
You or a group of friends
pick your day and time. (We can accommodate up to 5 people).
One time fee: $36
1 pple-$50/hr
2 pple-$40 per pers./hr
+3 pple-$35 per pers./hr
Cost of Materials
(Materials provided for your project will match as closely as possible the images shared during planning. There may be a slight variation due to market availability. Since material is purchased specifically for your project, Studio Artisane is unable to make material changes once purchased.
Option 2
Your project with a design plan you find online. Material list should be included in the plan.
One time fee: $50
Cost of Materials
(Materials provided for your project will match as closely as possible the images shared during planning. There may be a slight variation due to market availability. Since material is purchased specifically for your project, Studio Artisane is unable to make material changes once purchased.
Option 3
Complete custom project, from design to build. Studio Artisane will help you craft the plans and make them a reality.
Maximum size for project is 8x8x8.
Research, Design, layout Sketches: $75/hr
Cost of Materials
(Materials provided for your project will match as closely as possible the images shared during planning. There may be a slight variation due to market availability. Since material is purchased specifically for your project, Studio Artisane is unable to make material changes once purchased.
Participants who cancel within 24 hours or leave a session early due to personal reasons (other than last minute illness/emergency) will be charged for their full scheduled studio time, material cost, and any planning time (if applicable).
A deposit is required to be paid prior to the class (one time fee + 2 hrs + material)